At Lakihan Mo Logo's Mad About Indies

Whew! This was definitely different than my usual talk!

Okay, so I was invited by GIGIL to a LAKIHAN MO LOGO event dubbed MAD ABOUT INDIES. The event released the names of new Creative Independents joining the insane fray of the gig economy. Pretty neat, huh?

Also, the venue was at YOI POBLACION where dinner was a bowl of hot, writhing veggie on meat and this awesome wild berry number set against live rock music. Great bands played! I was so into it but couldn't really get too much into it since I needed to concentrate on my talk --prepping the new Indies for a more challenging 2019.

Overall, fun time. After the 10-minute talk, a few freelancers came to me for quick advice. I made new friends while bumping into old ones. And, of course, I got to sell mah books, RaketChick's WHATDA! ANONG PETSA NA?! and 7 STAGES OF... GOOD GRIEF! FREELANCER NA 'KO?!. YEAH, BOI!

Looking forward to more of these. Thanks, GIGIL! Oh, and goodluck, new Indies!!!


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