Onward to Best Food Forward 2012!

I'm an ex-anorexic/bulimic writing about food.  Am I credible?  Certainly!  Because last Saturday at the Best Food Forward Nuffnang chowdown event... I have seen the liiight, brotha!

It was at a lovely Magallanes home where some lucky bloggers were invited to the sneak peek din-din of the second Best Food Forward food fair that's slated to give the populace the munchies come March 24-25, 2012 at the NBC Tent, Bonifacio Global City.  The first Best Food Forward was a rousing success.  And when the iron is hot, you strike it like the food devil!

The feeling when I walked in?  'Overwhelming' doesn't quite cut it.  There were tables manned by the most welcoming concessionaires.  There was the unmistakable waft of goody-goody aroma in the air.  In my psychologically twisted past, I would've shrunk from such an onslaught.  But that day, I dove into the feast like a starved beast!  Get a load of these delectable numbers and tell me I shouldn't have.

Let's start it off with the appetizer.  CARLO'S KITCHEN's Crunchy Belly definitely hits home! It's addicting.  It's sinfully scrumptious.  I want it to sit in front of the TV with a bag of it.

Now, for the heavy stuff.  MANANG'S CHICKEN takes doubledeepfried very seriously.  It's doubly tasty, too.  Sweet and spicy that totally negates the need for ketchup or gravy.

Have you ever uttered the words 'pizza' and 'healthy' in one sentence?  You will now.  QUANTUM CAFE's vegetarian-friendly pizzas are simply divine! 

This is kebabilicious!  Different flavors skewered to perfection.  You don't believe me?  Well... SKEW YOU!  (That's the name of the food place.  Cool, huh?)

I have always loved quiche.  But SIMPLY PIE's Spinach, Feta, and Sundried Tomato simply blew me away.  I wanted more, but one little piece is surprisingly filling.  Awesome bang for your buck.

Dessert time!
Let's go Filipiniana, shall we?  CHOCO, ATBP. has the awesome cocoa fare down pat!  From my favorite hot choco drink to dreamy brownies to the happiness of cupcakes.  Oh and the syrup... glorious choco syrup...

And then there's this baby.  CASA SAN LUIS' Le Grand Chocolat.  Layers and layers of chocolate and mousse with a disarray of Chocnut on top.  Yes!  Chocnut!  I die.  *takes another bite*  I die again.

You cannot have cake without ice cream!  That's why PINT HOMEMADE ICE CREAM exists in this wonderful world.  See that deeply dug hole in the Banoffee flavor?  That's all my undoing.

Time to cap it off with a little magic.  BUTTERBEER!  You got that right.  It's the drink popularized by Harry Potter, Ron, and Hermione at The Three Broomsticks.  The good news is that you don't have to apparate yourself to Hogwarts for this because a 12-year old bartender has made it available right here.  I had 3 of these.  Don't tell my mother.

Of course, I wasn't leaving without take-home.  Spreadable pure love is FRUIT GARDEN's fruit jams!  Mango Durian, Mango Guyabano, Mango Jackfruit --and Mango Ginger!  Sweet, sweet ingenuity.

What does this have to do with being a Raketeer, you ask?  Have I totally changed my blog's format?  Heavens, no!  The Best Food Forward is all about entrepreneurship, man!  And nothing says self-sustenance better than the money-making sustenance of good, creative, luscious food.
So make it to the full fiesta.  BEST FOOD FORWARD, March 24 and 25, NBC Tent, Bonifacio Global City.

Oh yeah... I segue good. :P


  1. Hi! Thanks for the lovely comment about our "Le Grand Chocolat" Mousse Cake :)

    We'll have more samples for you at the Best Food Forward Event ;)

    Can we share this page on our pages?

    Carmela of Casa San Luis Pastries

    1. Hi Carmela!
      Share away! That cake was awesome! People should know about it, pronto. :P

      More samples? *drool* YIPEE!!! Thanks!


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