RaketChick 2020: Plan B

Hey, guys!
I was planning to do a little LIVE for this post, but I wasn't sure if anyone would watch. Haha! So to save myself from shame, I'm putting everything in this comfort zone of a blog. 

Okay, context. 'Everything' is pretty much what I have planned for RaketChick in the next few (or more) months. Mind you, this is the revised Plan Deck. I already had plans for 2020 until Covid ruined it all. But we roll with the punches and grow from there, right? Thanks bunches, you evil yet enabling virus!


ONE, I still plan to continue the RaketChick video tutorials that sporadically pop up on the Facebook page. These tutorials focus mainly on the basics of freelancing as these videos are specifically geared towards new freelancers. In face, I have one lined up. It's How to Write a Contract. 

TWO, and this is a big one. I've been thinking of putting up a web show. Ooooh... okay, not THAT big. Maybe just on Facebook. I haven't thought of reanimating my YouTube channel for this yet. But the idea is to make this show regular. It will touch on independent creativity and the other stuff that go with it. Also, I'll be having some guests over who can provide tips, inspiration and encouragement. Isn't that exciting? Goshdarnit, I hope so. Lol!

THREE. If you've attended any of the workshops I've done for Writer's Block, CESWIP, and universities around the metro, you would know that these sessions are super long and detailed and that they do more than highlight freelancing. I teach writing, pitching, career building, leadership, etc. These in-person workshops I plan to migrate online. Kind of like masterclasses with challenges and critiquing. 

FOUR. RaketChick comic strip! RaketChick artist extraordinaire, Bleps, will take us through the funniest freelancing sitches!

FIVE. Do you want a podcast? I'm thinking of putting up an end-of-the-day-in-the-life of a freelancer soundscape which is essentially a full blown rantage with possibly a little ASMR thrown in. I dunno. I'm rambling at this point.

SIX. YES, FOLKS! THERE IS A 3RD RAKETCHICK BOOK! In fact, it was due to come out in 2019. But then, there were publishing problems. Those problems were fixed, eventually. And then, the pandemic rolled in. Aww, give me a break! But seriously, there is a third book. It's interactive, in the tradition of all RaketChick books, and it will happen. Soon.

SEVEN. Meeeerch!I'll need more time for this but this will be in the works. RaketChick shirts in color (Booyeah!), RaketChick totes, RaketChick pencil cases, RaketChick mugs and tumblers, RaketChick masks --hey, why not?

Yeah, that's what we have going for us in the next quarantine days. 
But I'd like to hear from you, too. Any comments, suggestions, violent reactions will be considered and dealt with. Hahahaha! But, no, really, comment away. You have a say in this. After all, I do this for you. 


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