One Shot at Music Videos
I don't know what brought me here. I wasn't even working on a KPop-related project. I'm pretty sure I was working on hacking some grilling recipe when I abused the search engine.
(Grill... Hostage situation... hmm, there might just be a connection...)
Anyway, I'm glad I took this accidental surfing detour because this has got to be one of the best music videos I've seen in a while. Ok, 'best' might be too much. But without paying attention to the lyrics (if you don't speak Korean and cute, crooked English, that is), then B.A.P.'s One Shot might well be the rebirth of storytelling music videos. Yes, real storytelling. Just like it used to be. Remember the old days when watching a music video on MTV was like watching pocket movies --with action, romance, with singers actually acting? Remember Michael Jackson's Thriller, A-ha's Take On Me, Cold Play's The Scientist? Where did all those go? To the club for 4 minutes' worth of skimpy clothed gyrating, I guess. Times have changed in music video development. Instead of the song telling its story through video, we have video using the song as mere background music. If I were the song, I'd get insulted.
This discovery, however, is a mash-up. Great production + incredible choreography + an action-packed plot + A SHOOT OUT!!! Editing was so tight that even if I couldn't understand 3/4 of what's being said in the song, I actually got the track's message (stopping myself from typing 'Music is the universal language, after all'... hehe... oops). The MV came with optional endings, too. Generous! :)
Alright, I'll give --the song isn't half bad either. It's kinda catchy. The mood of both audio and video worked together seamlessly to tell you a tale you can sing to (well... if you sing Korean and cute, crooked English, that is).
Story telling music videos. There's hope for you yet!
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