A Day in Blogs for Blog Day 2011
As a wise one once said...
Writing is half the job.
To be a good blogger, you have to be a good reader.
An excellent sharer.
And a helluva world-wide party-er!
In celebration of the 6th International Blog Day, allow me to rain on you a blogger's top 6 run-to blogs --all of which motivate her to achieve utter magnificence on a daily basis!!!
*thunder and lightning*
8am. Love Thyself with Lei.
Even a rogue writing warrior wants to feel good about herself at the start of the day. Lei's blog is filled to the brim with self beautification tips with video demos to boot. Educational. Entertaining. Alluring.
What! Underneath this rough, tough exterior, I... am still a lady!
Now, I'm going to have to cheat a little here. Before the day ends, I'm a spineless flipflopper between these two hilarious published eye-openers.
Broing Up Rizal is a blog that cleverly takes me through the life of phenomenal Filipino hero, Rizal. While in the fistbumping companionship of How I Met Your Mother's super suave American hero, Barney. True story! History has never been so exhilarating. If this doesn't make your eyes water from intense laughter, you're a chip off Stonehenge.
The Oatmeal, on the other hand, gives me the How To's, Do's and Don't's, Why's, and Why Not's of life. Questions I'd rather ask a cab driver than my mother are answered here. And I become a better person. D'oh! Warning: This blog may damage your laugh box. Do not read without ample supply of hardcore losenge.
9pm (or any time before hitting the sack). Complete Calm with My Life As A Verb.
To end the usual crazy day, you need to get your chi back in check. I choose to do so with a blog about fountain pens and crisp sketch pads. Honestly, I've only owned one fountain pen in my entire life. But I love doodles, I love words, and I love good paper. This blog's poetry in writing and pictures sends me back to a nice, safe place. And recharges me for the next day.
So, that's my day in blogs. Read, share, enjoy. By doing so, you've automatically joined the world-wide party of parties that is the 6th International Blog Day!
PS. I should add that I wouldn't have known about this momentous occasion if it weren't for a wise blog: Nuffnang's.
Gawd, I am such a suck-up. :P
Writing is half the job.
To be a good blogger, you have to be a good reader.
An excellent sharer.
And a helluva world-wide party-er!
In celebration of the 6th International Blog Day, allow me to rain on you a blogger's top 6 run-to blogs --all of which motivate her to achieve utter magnificence on a daily basis!!!
*thunder and lightning*
8am. Love Thyself with Lei.
Even a rogue writing warrior wants to feel good about herself at the start of the day. Lei's blog is filled to the brim with self beautification tips with video demos to boot. Educational. Entertaining. Alluring.
What! Underneath this rough, tough exterior, I... am still a lady!
10am. Business with The Sartorialist.
A huge chunk of my mission is to know who I'm selling my writing services to. There are charts that tell me that, but who wants the boredom? I'd rather traipse through this blog which shows me reality and fashion at the same time. I always believe that you'll know who a person is and what he wants through what he wears. The Sartorialist and I --we're on the same page on that.1pm. Issues with This Is A Crazy Planets.
I have to be in-the-know to write, right? Voila! Here is current events told in the most in-your-face manner possible. No holds barred. Real news. This blog gives me the good, the bad, and the worst about nagging topics around the world. Some may say it's crass. I call it conversational. For the faint of heart, it's best to read this blog with beer.3pm. Gossip with Suri's Burn Book.
Time to lighten up the day with a little Hollywood tete-a-tete. And who better to tell me what's hot and what's not with the celebrities I love to hate than a lovely, bitchy baby called Suri Holmes Cruise! The genius behind this blog is ...a genius! Can you imagine a 5-year old rich kid going all Desperate Housewives on other Hollywood kids? You can't? Click it! Now, I'm going to have to cheat a little here. Before the day ends, I'm a spineless flipflopper between these two hilarious published eye-openers.
Broing Up Rizal is a blog that cleverly takes me through the life of phenomenal Filipino hero, Rizal. While in the fistbumping companionship of How I Met Your Mother's super suave American hero, Barney. True story! History has never been so exhilarating. If this doesn't make your eyes water from intense laughter, you're a chip off Stonehenge.
The Oatmeal, on the other hand, gives me the How To's, Do's and Don't's, Why's, and Why Not's of life. Questions I'd rather ask a cab driver than my mother are answered here. And I become a better person. D'oh! Warning: This blog may damage your laugh box. Do not read without ample supply of hardcore losenge.
9pm (or any time before hitting the sack). Complete Calm with My Life As A Verb.
To end the usual crazy day, you need to get your chi back in check. I choose to do so with a blog about fountain pens and crisp sketch pads. Honestly, I've only owned one fountain pen in my entire life. But I love doodles, I love words, and I love good paper. This blog's poetry in writing and pictures sends me back to a nice, safe place. And recharges me for the next day.
So, that's my day in blogs. Read, share, enjoy. By doing so, you've automatically joined the world-wide party of parties that is the 6th International Blog Day!
PS. I should add that I wouldn't have known about this momentous occasion if it weren't for a wise blog: Nuffnang's.
Gawd, I am such a suck-up. :P
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