Where Monsters Lie
Now that I've regained a bit of my sketching skills (no, more like, doodling dignity), please allow me a moment to blatantly hard sell some of my balderdash. :P
You see, not all of these doodles make it to the blog. Some of them just hang around and chill in a little hole on Instagram. Waiting for that opportune moment when they can resurface and join their brothers in that most-coveted tiny space in the blogosphere. Since I doodle a lot, you can expect a lot of these unemployed monsters here.
Here, you'll see initial thumbs, too. Doodles that look like crap before they're digitally-enhanced to be decent enough for blog-use. Interesting, eh?
Here, you can also find screen caps of my RaketChick's Twitter Tips. Good raketista advise which I figure might make the freelancing world a happier place. They're mostly delivered in the language called 'sarcasm', but they get the message across.
And here, you can chance upon tidbits of randomness as a means of a sneak peek into my real-life existence. Not that you'd want to, but I got chocolate bars and cupcakes. Lol!
Of course, people still ask me why can't I just doodle normal-looking stuff --like a girl without wings, a guy without tentacles, a child without horns, or at least someone with a good pair of eyes. Well, because normal is boring. And doodling isn't a self-portrait. Not that I'm that normal-looking either.
So if you want a bigger dose of monstrosity that you can't get from this blog alone, there's RaketChick on Instagram. All the creepazoids are here. Let's party.
You see, not all of these doodles make it to the blog. Some of them just hang around and chill in a little hole on Instagram. Waiting for that opportune moment when they can resurface and join their brothers in that most-coveted tiny space in the blogosphere. Since I doodle a lot, you can expect a lot of these unemployed monsters here.
Here, you'll see initial thumbs, too. Doodles that look like crap before they're digitally-enhanced to be decent enough for blog-use. Interesting, eh?
And here, you can chance upon tidbits of randomness as a means of a sneak peek into my real-life existence. Not that you'd want to, but I got chocolate bars and cupcakes. Lol!
Of course, people still ask me why can't I just doodle normal-looking stuff --like a girl without wings, a guy without tentacles, a child without horns, or at least someone with a good pair of eyes. Well, because normal is boring. And doodling isn't a self-portrait. Not that I'm that normal-looking either.
So if you want a bigger dose of monstrosity that you can't get from this blog alone, there's RaketChick on Instagram. All the creepazoids are here. Let's party.
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