Writer's Block's 3rd Creative Entrepreneurs Meet-Up. Are you in?

Merely a week into RaketChick's WHATDA! ANONG PETSA NA?! book release and I have another thing coming right at you!

Writer's Block Philippines has invited moi to spew suckerpunches of strategic creative know-how at its 3rd Creative Entrepreneurs Meet Up. Woohoo!
What could possibly go wrong?! Mwahahahaha!

I'll be in good company, too.
Other speakers at the spark-sharing event include celebrated TV Commercial Director, Sid Maderazo; Communications Agency President and Owner of Una Morato Bookstore, Harris Guevarra; and of course, the lovely Founders of Writer's Block Philippines themselves, Ana P. Santos and Nikka Sarthou-Lainez.

With this powerhouse cost, you'll definitely find the inspiration to turn your creativity into profitability. That's your Hobbyz into Moneyz. Aw, yeah. *snap-snap*
And did I tell you that this is happening at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf? Plus points!

Bet all that got you wanting to sign up, huh? Fam, don't let me stop you. But do know more about Writer's Block's 3rd Creative Entrepreneurs Meet-Up here and here.

Are you as pumped as I am? I can barely keep my working parts together.
SEPTEMBER 30! See you then!


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